Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pray they don't take you alive.

Welcome to my sunday night chat (Bleh up later than it should have been, I blame the internet), just a weekly update where I talk about stuff I want to usually games I played that week, this week I wanna talk about my new dark eldar army, of which after only two games is hilariously fun to run.

While I'll be posting pics of conversions and maybe a paintjob on Wednesday I would like to talk about how I see Dark eldar as a force right now after playing two games with them.
As everyone knows Dark eldar armies are fast, and nothing shines in them more then their plethora of cheap skimmers holding their crew, Raiders are as good as they have ever been and rapid fire gunships (1 raider, 10 warriors, 1 with a blaster, and splinter racks) give me an almost perverse glee as I watch foot slogging units take the brunt of 18 poisoned shots to the face. Venoms with splinter cannons, are a joy to throw 12 shots into somthing, even if only 3-6 will actually cause wounds before saving. Even ravagers sport three great guns, and honestly hold the spot in for best "Gun platform" in 40k in my humble opinion.

The amount of AP2 a dark eldar player can field through blasters and dark lances is almost criminal and their massive amount of firepower is truly amazing.
All that being said their assault leaves something to be desired  maybe assaulting plague marines and terminators with 4 incubi and an archon with a huskblade (as well as a phantom grenade launcher and shadowfield) but assaulting with a unit after I spent two others entire phase shooting at it, and NOT killing it after I spent the most amount of points on that unit, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The unit's problem doesn't stem from it's inability to hit it actually stems from the inability to wound, with the low strength of dark eldar in general and the lack of a poisoned weapon in the incubi squad means that they are at space marine strength and the archon while the huskblade is really cool, really doesn't seem to be worth the points at his current strength. him a venomblade, and sticking him in a unit of wracks is not only cheaper than a smaller unit of incubi, but they also allow him Feel no pain if he sticks with them and their dual poisoned attacks.

Currently I've only practiced on two flavors of marine, with the first being Nurgle marines with daemon allies, Nurgle princes are a pain to deal with, but after realizing getting rid of troops would only make them slightly worrying. Simply the first lesson I learned. The second of which was that the vehicles available to us have a massive range, and not taking advantage of that is stupid I lost this game but learned a lot.
In the second game I played against vanilla marines, in which I learned how amazing ravangers can be when they have something to focus fire and pop in the first round of combat. Two rhinos and a dreadnought bit it in the first turn, With the tanks busted and the devastators pouring out, unloading blasters and raiders full of shots into them left me with a score of 12-5 with warlord, first blood, and linebreaker.

I'm sure with more games under my belt I'll be back to talk about Dark eldar more later, and as I said there will be an update this week filled with at the very least some of the conversions I've been working on.

(None of the pictures used in this post belong to me, if asked I will remove them.)

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