Thursday, April 14, 2016

From the Grave!

Hey there everyone, got a few Undead goodies for ya today, Not much to say about them other than a few paint schemes you may like so let us dive in with Molly first. 

 I wanted something a little different than the hot orange or the mustard yellow they put her in for the two concept arts, and thought blue and purple would contrast nicely with the Neon green flame I gave her. 
The blue of her dress is "Emerald" from the vallejo line with a glaze of GW's blue over it, quite simple. the Green flame is my standard concoction of  P3 inks, 1 part yellow/1 part green, though I'm tempted to switch to 2 parts yellow / 1 part green.

 Next up we have my Rotting Belles and my Dead Doxy. I rather like these models, I think a lot of people do. I find their clothing quite fun to paint up and experiment with. For their rotting flesh I did a base coat of thrall flesh from P3, then a wash of purple from Secret weapon washes, and then built up another layer of thrall flesh for that bruised look. 

 This is actual painting sorcery here kids. and you too can do it in less than 15 minutes. Prime white, Base coat in the Technical paint "Nihilakh oxide" from GW, and then drybrush white. BAM! instant ghosts.

Finally we have my Valevictorian, Not much to say about this model, mostly just brought together some effects that I learned all over. All I can really say is I love what a beater this model is. 

That's all for now, I'm blowing through malifaux stuff though so stay tuned for that if you like the stuff I do. If you have any ideas or suggestions of what I should paint or a particular color scheme please leave a comment or get in contact with me I'd love to hear some. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Molly's playground (scenic graveyard board)

Hey everyone sorry for the slow progress, but I've been working on completing my first big scenic display board. 

Small background before we begin I have always wanted to make one of these but never tried my hand at it. After looking at a few different ways online and having worked with Cork for a while I decided that was how I was going to more said scenic board work. 

I tried out a small one with some pillars first. It looked alright but I consider it mostly a failure as the pillars don't go over the board properly. It just looks out of whack. It did give me some valuable information on how I should work with the next board though. 

This was the start, measuring out how far the bases should be from each other, and where the placement should be before putting the walls down. To get a rough size of how big the holes needed to be I took a 30mm, 40mm, and 50mm base and drew a circle around the with a permanent marker, before cutting the holes out. 

Once this was done I glued down the cork to the board and started to apply white glue where I could, then added the sand mixture I made up ( Fine sand, Stone sand, Stone "shards", and some fine basalt all mixed together) and let it dry taking care to not let the mixture pour over into the holes.

Now that the base was ready I primed it black.

Then gave it a dry brushing of Apple barrel "Chocolate bar"

Then a dry brushing of Vallejo Flat earth and a brushing of Menoth white base on top of that. 

For the Stonework I used Fortress grey from Games workshop, gunmetal with a wash of black for the metalwork, and for the flowers I used GW's Purple and Vallejo's Golden olive color. 

That's all for now but I plan to be working on Molly and her Summons crew all week so Maybe I'll throw up more than one update.

See ya'll soon!