Well another Friday is here huh folks? First off I'd like to reintroduce you to my Forge world Keeper of secrets, whom I think "Babylon the Great" is a fine title until I decide to make a six or seven headed mount of slaanesh to pull a chariot.
Now as for why I decided to do my keeper this week, I saw that she had broken in the middle of moving from the last place to this one, and after stealing the idea from her base to kind of use on the chariot I decided he needed a new paint-job. Also I wanted to paint more daemon stuff
Now anyone who has ever glanced longingly at one of the forge world keepers will notice that this one is missing spikes on her breast and leg, I only received half of the spikes to attach, and those that I tried to attach to the breast looked horrid, so instead I used liquid greenstuff to fill in the holes as much as possible and then colored them as I wanted to do the latex.
Speaking of latex, That red on the leg, hand ,and breast is the same mixture 50/50 Vermillion (vallejo) and Mephestion red (GW) covered with a thin layer of 'ard coat.
Thought it would be nice to give a look at this base and break down how it was done a bit for anyone who wants to try their hand at it. I first built up the outer ring with cork and made sure to fill in the open spots so that the water effects could not escape. The next step aw the easy part, place a couple of zombie hands, and tentacles I had laying around and prime white, and then the entire thing got a layer of neon magenta with a purple wash and then I just poured water effects in until it reached the brim, adding a bit more the following few days so that it would eventually harden at the brim.
For our next section, watch the skies, The parasite of Mortrex is coming....
I've been working on this guy a bit recently, so I thought I would post him as I think I'm about ready to paint him. In my opinion the parasite is a good fluffy HQ that became at least playable in the new edition.
What really boggles my mind is this though I was going to include him in my list even before 6th ed. So it's like I got rewarded for playing what I was going to anyway, and hiding a flying synapse creature in a unit of gargoyles, that gets up to 6 attacks (need to check my math but I think that is right)all which can spawn rippers, is a cruel pleasure which I will be sure to make my opponent remember.
Anyway now I'm just rambling about cruel ideas, so lets chat about how I made this as it's piss easy. I basically took a ravaner and added two sets of gargoyle wings, to it, the spikes on the back as well as the horn are all talons from genestealer arms I had laying around. I did take the stinger from a gargoyle and add it to the tail as well though, to give it the stinger it has in the book.
Two more announcements: I'll start with this picture
What better way to commemorate the end of the month and the final touches on my keeper than with another giveaway. Who knows what lay within the unholy walls of the mystery box? Standard rules, Leave a workable email in the comments below, I will not contact you unless you win, winner will be picked before next post.
Other announcement, A couple of my friends started a youtube show called "Stoneface" recently, It involves jump-scares and a shock collar, what's not to love?
A link to their channel is here (beware use of expletives and lots of screaming inside): Stoneface
Have a great week everyone, and good luck on the mysterybox drawing.
Gifts! I want more gifts!
Lookin mighty fine I definitely like the way the latex came out. Looks about how I thought it would when we were talking. Also mystery boxes seems cool as fuck.
So yea contest entry ruhlenberg@yahoo.com
Love the latex, gonna use that for some slaaneshi cultists i think.
contest entry artashley@gmail.com
Looking good, man! Can't wait to see more.
I do need a new box to hold things. hinumkv@hotmail.com
I've been looking for motivation to finish my Slaaneshi Sisters of Battle, and it might just be in that box of yours.
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