Thursday, September 19, 2013

Now is the time for talking. (Q&A, Emails, upcoming posts)

So I would like to start of this post saying thank you to all those still occasionally checking it to see if I updated, or if you found this page by just surfing I'm glad something caught your attention and you liked it. 

So first part of this, some emails I've been sent, If you would like to ask me a question leave a comment below, message me on my Tumblr, or send me an email at

Q: Why are there no new posts on the blog?
A: Well aside from having to drive up to Virginia twice in the past 2 months I've been involved with several other things (Friends, Demoing games, prepping for a large tournament, ect.)  that have simply been eating up my time. On top of that I for some reason felt I needed to take a little break from painting, each time I would sit down I would get too distracted and start making stuff instead of painting, which is usually a good sign you need a break.

Q: What will you be painting next for your blog?
A: While I have nothing concrete lined up, I do have several works in progress, the top of the list is my dark eldar The Kabal of the Crimson Shrike. I have all the models primed and they should be simple to complete once I start to streamline them. Other than that, I have a bunch of Super dungeon explore models I want to paint up, I picked up a Cthulhu from the Reaper: Bones line that I want to paint, I may have a commission for some tau soon, and People have expressed that they want to see more of the traitor guard of Slaanesh, so look forward to that stuff. 

Q: Do you take suggestions for what to paint next or blog about?
A: I sure do, Leave a comment, send me a message or an email and let me know what you are thinking.

Q:Do you plan to review more board and card games?
A: Yes, There will be more. I'm tempted to do some extended video game reviews here as well, but I really can't say much as I've been playing mostly games like Skyrim and LoL recently. 

Q: How many armies do you own and/or what are they? Are any fully painted?
A: For 40k I own:  Daemons, Chaos space marines, Traitor guard, Dark eldar, and Tyranids.  
Warhammer fantasy: Goblins, Warriors of chaos, Daemons (but I'll probably never play them in fantasy)
Warmachine: Menoth and Skorne
Malifaux: The dreamer (Who the fuck plays Malifaux? Am I rite?)
They are all not fully painted but menoth is the closest to being fully painted. only having 5 models I can think of without a paintjob done to them.

Q: I want to play _______ army, what do you recommend?
A: Well I first recommend you go and check out , if you don't find what you need there then shoot me an email, I'll be honest I don't know much outside the armies I play, and most of the time my meta is kind of weird so I don't know how much I can really help but I'll do my damnedest. 

Q: Have you considered doing game write-up's?
A: I considered it but I find them boring. I might in the future if I play a particularly good game/opponent. 

Q: Have you considered having guest segments?
A: Yes and I would appreciate them, send me an email if you have something cool or want to review something cool. 

Q: Can I send you artwork, Pictures of my armies, or neat conversions I've come across?
A: Yes, If I like it enough I may just steal it, Giving credit of course.

Q: Can I send you stuff through the mail?
A: I'd prefer you didn't, makes me feel a little uncomfortable getting something for nothing. I mean if you really really realllllly don't want it I suppose I will take it, send me an email, but don't feel the need to send me anything the blog is supposed to be about showing off models and maybe teaching something, not about me getting free stuff. 

That's it for questions for now, But keep an eye peeled for my next blog post, I'll have something to show off and talk about why Eldar have me super salty right now. 


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